Hey friends! I did promise to write a review on the Tamagotchi ID L as soon as it arrived. I was honestly surprised with how quickly it arrived, the tracking service they provided was completely off, it stated it was still in the outwards post from Japan on the tracking site but this morning the delivery dude made me sign it off and handed the box to me. EXCITED!
Two boxes came in today one from Amiami which i ordered a while ago. It was a charm of Renshou-Chan damaged ver. It cost me approximately $20 just to get it shipped wit.h SAL a little expensive for a charm but oh wells it's cute as.
I apologise in advance for the somewhat crap lighting (unedited pics) and the lazy bokeh background (physics past papers) I'm currently in the middle of my preliminary examination. CRY. Physics is tomorrow for me. Wish me luck!Well let's go onto the Tamagotchi. Here's the box it was in. It's cute eh!
Tamagotchi ID L |
I was super super excited to get it and i didn't need to leave early for school which gave me ample time to play around with it. On a side note, I had a math test today and it was a breeze. Not so excited for physics though.
Renshou-Chan |
Was still pretty excited to see how cute Renshou-chan was. Look at that expression hoh!
Boxes |
"Hi My friends ^^ small small present for you, Best Regards"
This is adorable haha not that I would ever use that random false jade bracelet. But nice that they considered giving a little gift. |
Here's close up yo.
Opened box. |
So inside the box they give you the instructions and a pair of batteries as well. So you see the jewels on the side part? They look as if they're raised but they're actually all underneath a nice smooth layer of clear plastic.
So the damn batteries they gave be were new right? But it seems that they somehow ran out of juices and it gave me a little bit of paranoia originally that perhaps my Tama wasn't working. WORST CASE SCENARIO.
I'm going to skip the instructions because i won't be boring like that and besides, it's all in Japanese so i doubt you will understand regardless. There is a translated manual
here for you. Thank me later; actually thank binary_pics . I didn't find the instructions as too much help it's easier to just press around and find stuff out yourself and get past the language barrier.
Wait! |
Here's when i put in another set of working AAA batteries. It made a really cute start up sound which I can't exactly show you readers. Have no idea what it says there. Something like "Chotto ma___" means wait ___! Most likely that means wait you gotta set the time. You press A and C together here to go to the time screen and like the old Tama's set the time and your birthday. Remember it's in a MM/DD format.
Username: Yumibara |
Here's my awesome sauce username. It took me ages to write my name lmao.
Waiting on egg to hatch :D |
Seriously a really awesome colour screen. The pixels are way smaller as well. A huge improvement.
Dastardly batteries >:O |
Awwwww! Got a little girl and she's calling out my name! Adorable <3.
Outdoors |
Woah, glitchy frame rates (caught by my awesome shutter speed) i got it so she's jumping AND about to jump.
There seems to be two areas and you can scroll between the two by pressing the B button when not selecting anything. One is the indoors and one is outdoors where you can grow plants and etc. The B button has to be pressed twice to get to the time screen because you can cycle between indoors and outdoors.
One thing i wanted to know was wether there was a pause on this Tamagotchi and unfortunately there wasn't. There was a glitch people talked about where you would go to the time screen and leave it while it was still in the time selection. So instead of doing that i would just change the time to 8< and let the tama sleep. But stupid little infant didn't want to sleep so i had to wait till it evolved into the child.
You feed it just like the old Tama's and this is a snack to make them happy. But now they added this feature to the 'clean' section where they regularly ask for attention in which they want to take a shower. As an infant my Tamagotchi wanted baths every 2 minutes. Crazy kid.
They also have daily rituals (?) things like cleaning the room, vacuuming and growing seeds. I don't know wether that i necessary as of yet. But the vaccuum and other things will have to be purchased from the Tama Depa(rtment Store) Which is the 4th one down from the "Go out" button which is symbolised with the open door.
One thing i particularly like is how customisable the room is. You can go to the Interior Shop and for the price of minimum 1000g you can get a new background of room. It's definitely a nice change once in a while.
And just a few pics on Renshou. Really cute and a lot larger than i had expected. It's a lot better quality than i expected as well.
It comes as a plug in for earphone jack but you can easily remove that part and use it as a usual phone charm and the likes of it. |
Relative size |
- It's a lot lighter than I expected which is a +
- The screen appears to be made of a cheap plastic (i dropped a salt grain on the screen and when i proceeded to wipe it off it created a rather ugly scratch mark). I recommend using a screen cover.
- It's a user friendly interface, no Japanese language skills required to use it.
- Really nice, pretty design!
- Customisable
-Thousands of download items.
End note
It seem some of the glittery back stuff fell onto my hand. I have sparkly hands