Monday, January 13, 2014

Mawaru Penguindrum: Princess of the Crystal; Good Smile Company Review

So it's been a while since i ordered any figures. And i haven't been paying for orders either so i decided to have a larger haul for my own Christmas present this time. 

I abosolutely love Mawaru Penguindrum. Lovely anime, lovely design. So when i heard Good Smile Company was releasing a Penguin Drum Figure I was estatic. I didn't have money though. So i never bought it until now it was on 47% discount. INSTANT BUY. Here are the pictures. Sorry i think Blogspot killed the quality of the photos.

Fantastic pose, sculpt colour, everything. OMG.

Aweeee Those eyes pierce through my soul <3

Here's her corset or something. They used gold paint on the parts and added a little shimmer to give it the metally effect.

Ahh this hand is so delicate~

The billowing dress that she has which is also removable. The folds are so nice and natural.


You should check out that waist line. So thin and a nice back as well!

This is when i remove the dress backing. Of course it isn't as fantastic as before. But now. She's sexier LOL.

Sorry for this bad angle. Made her hand look chubby as. But i just wanted you to know that they payed so much attention to the detail that they painted her nails a light peach colour.

This hair is so natural and billowy. Looks soft~ But is in fact HARD. It's such a nice moving pose. It looks alive.

Candid: Ass shot. Sorry. There's frills on the underwear~ And there are also detailed shadows for contouring~

Full body


Thanks for reading lovelies! <3

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